John Hooker's Available Presentations
Last update:
October 2024
Video/Audio (other slides below)
- Interview of JH as past recipient
of ACP Research Excellence Award, September 2024. Video.
- Logic-based
Benders decomposition, Benders Day Workshop in recognition of
Jacques Benders’ 100th birthday, Eindhoven University of
Technology, May 2024. Video.
- Equity
through social welfare optimization, Workshop on
Mathematical Foundations of Equity in Transportation, UCLA, January
2024. Video.
- Logic,
optimization and constraint programming: A fruitful collaboration, Simons
Institute, UC Berkeley, April 2023.
- Working in a multicultural world, Indiana University East, March
2022. Video.
- Modeling
equity in AI and optimization.
Pittsburgh INFORMS Chapter, February 2022. Video.
- Balancing fairness and efficiency in an optimization model. Distinguished lecture, University of
Toronto, November 2021. Video.
- Tutorial in equity modeling. CP 2021,
October. Video.
- Achieving consistency with
cutting planes. INFORMS 2021, October. Video.
- Logic, optimization, and CP. CP 2021.
Research Excellence Award talk.
October. Video.
- Logic-based formulation
of ethical principles.
Invited talk, ICLP 2021, September.
- Equitable
and efficient healthcare resource distribution, IFORS 2021,
August. Video
- Tight optimization bounds from
decision diagrams,
INFORMS 2020, November. Video
- Equitable allocation of scarce
medical resources,
INFORMS 2020, November. Video
- Balancing fairness and efficiency
in an optimization model,
INFORMS 2020, November. Video
- Taking ethics seriously, InfoTrak interview (audio),
June 2018.
- Tutorial: Hybrid mixed integer programming and
constraint programming methods, Master Class in Hybrid Methods,
CIMI, Toulouse, France, June. Video part 1. Video part 2. Video part 3.
- Solving ethical dilemmas, SmartPeople Podcast (audio), May
- Taking ethics seriously: Why ethics is an essential
tool for the modern workplace, Provost’s Lecture Series, SUNY
Stony Brook, October 2017. Video.
- Decision diagrams for discrete
optimization: Tutorial,
ICAPS 2016, London, June 2016. Video.
- Cultural comparative advantage in
the global economy,
Thomas M. Kerr Distinguished Lecture in Ethics, CMU Qatar, November
2015. Video.
- Business
Ethics Course, Session 1: Why business ethics? May 2012,
revised November 2014. Video, transcript with slides, slides
- Business
Ethics Course, Session 2: Rational choice I. May 2012, revised
November 2014. Video, transcript with slides, slides
- Business
Ethics Course, Session 3: Rational choice II. May 2012,
revised November 2014. Video, transcript with slides, slides
- Business
Ethics Course, Session 4: Daily life case studies. May 2012,
revised November 2014. Video, transcript with slides, slides.
- Business
Ethics Course, Session 5: Business case studies I. May 2012,
revised November 2014. Video, transcript with slides, slides.
- Business
Ethics Course, Session 6: Business case studies II. May 2012,
revised November 2014. Video, transcript with slides, slides.
- Modeling with metaconstraints
and semantic typing, Monash University/NICTA, May 2014. Video.
- Graph coloring facets for all-different systems,
CPAIOR 2012, Nantes, May. Video.
- Globalization and business culture, Tepper
School Alumni weekend, April 2012. Video
(Shelf3D), Video (YouTube).
- Tutorial: Operations research in constraint
programming, CPAIOR 2009, Pittsburgh, May. Video Part 1, Video Part 2.
- Working across cultures, American Institute
for Chemical Engineers, Webinar, May 2011. Audio (pay site).
- A world economic order based on cultural comparative
advantage, London School of Economics public lecture, May
2008. Audio, Transcript with slides.
- Operations research methods in constraint programming,
CP Summer School tutorial, Lloret de Mar, Spain, June 2007. Video Part 1. Video Part 2. Video Part 3. Video Part 4. Download zip files and view videos with
a media player, such as VLC (free).
- Optimal
solutions with bounded inequality, INFORMS 2024, Seattle,
- Declarative
ethics for AI systems, 4th Workshop on Logic and
Practice of Programming, Dallas, October
- Ethics
in engineering, CMU, October.
- A reinterpretation of cutting planes, ISMP 2024,
Montreal, July.
- Ethical issues in AI, course offered
at Chautauqua Institution, July.
- Logic-based
Benders decomposition, Benders Day Workshop, Eindhoven
University of Technology, May.
- Assessing group fairness with social welfare optimization, CPAIOR 2024,
Uppsala, Sweden, May. Best paper
- Understanding
world cultures, Osher course, University of Pittsburgh, February.
- Equity
through social welfare optimization, Workshop on
Mathematical Foundations of Equity in Transportation, UCLA, January
- Assessing
group fairness with social welfare optimization, ISAIM 2024, Ft
Lauderdale, January
- Structural properties of fair solutions, INFORMS,
Phoenix, October
- Ethics
and engineering. CMU, October.
- Tutorial on fairness modeling.
Part 1: Fairness in optimization models. CMU, September.
- Tutorial on fairness modeling.
Part 2: Fairness in AI.
CMU, September.
- Understanding Chinese culture. Osher course, September.
- Logic,
optimization and constraint programming: A fruitful collaboration, Simons
Institute, UC Berkeley, April.
- A
mathematical search for the perfect musical scale, CMU Qatar,
February. Synthesized mp3s: major scale, new 11-note scale. Chorale and fugue on a 9-note scale: sheet music, mp3.
- Combining optimization and constraint programming, Amazon Modeling
and Optimization, November.
- Searching
for the perfect musical scale, Bucknell University,
October. Synthesized mp3s: major scale, new 11-note scale. Chorale and fugue on a 9-note scale: sheet music, mp3.
- A
guide to formulating equity and fairness in an optimization model,
INFORMS 2022, October.
- Ethics
and engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, October.
- Formulating
equity in an optimization model, Penn State University, September
- Stochastic
decision diagrams, CPAIOR 2022, Los Angeles, June.
- Working in a multicultural world, Indiana University East, March.
- Cross-cultural ethics and corruption, Indiana University East, March.
- Stochastic
decision diagrams.
ICS 2022, Tampa. January.
- Stochastic
binary decision diagrams.
ISAIM 2022, January.
- Modeling
equity in AI and optimization.
Pittsburgh INFORMS Chapter, February. Video.
- A reinterpretation of cutting planes. IOS 2022, Greenville, SC, March.
- Balancing fairness and efficiency in an optimization model. Distinguished lecture, University of
Toronto, November.
- Tutorial in equity modeling. CP 2021,
October. Video.
- Achieving consistency with
cutting planes. INFORMS, October. Video.
- Logic, optimization, and CP. CP 2021. Research
Excellence Award talk. October.
- Tutorial in equity modeling. CP 2021,
October. Video.
- Ethics in a time of polarization. Osher course,
- Logic-based formulation
of ethical principles, ICLP 2021, invited talk, September. Video.
- Equitable
and efficient healthcare resource distribution, IFORS,
August. Video
- Understanding world cultures, Osher course, January-February.
- Improved job sequencing bounds from decision
diagrams, CP 2019, Stamford, CT,
- 25th Anniversary Panel, CP 2019, Stamford,
CT, October
- Recent developments in logic-based methods for
optimization, Workshop on New Algorithms for Optimization,
Sampling, Learning and Quantum Simulations, Santa Fe Institute,
- Optimization models for social
justice, CPAIOR Master Class, Thessaloniki, Greece, June.
- Consistency for 0-1 programming,
CPAIOR 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece, June.
- A brief tour of logic and optimization, Khachiyan Award talk, INFORMS 2018,
Phoenix, November.
- Integer programming postoptimality analysis using decision diagrams,
INFORMS 2018, Phoenix, November.
- Consistency for mixed integer
programming, INFORMS 2018, Phoenix, November.
- MDD-based postoptimality
analysis for mixed-integer programming. Symposium on Decision Diagrams for
Optimization (DDOPT 20180, Carnegie Mellon University, October.
- Music: Under the hood, Course on musical
composition, Pittsburgh, September-October.
- A modeling language based on semantic types,
invited talk, Logic and Practice of Programming workshop (LPOP 2018),
Oxford, UK, July.
- Compact representation of
near-optimal integer programming solutions, ISMP, Bordeaux,
France, July.
- Tutorial: Hybrid mixed integer programming and
constraint programming methods, Master Class in Hybrid Methods,
CIMI, Toulouse, France, June.
- What decision diagrams can do for you, invited
plenary talk, IOS 2018, Denver, March
- A logic-based Benders approach to home healthcare
delivery, Penn State University, March.
- Logic-based Benders decomposition for planning and
scheduling, Dagstuhl seminar 18071 on Planning and Operations
Research, Germany, February.
- Dynamic programming bounds from decision diagrams, ISAIM 2018, Ft Lauderdale, January.
- Finding alternative musical scales, OR
Seminar, CMU, October.
- Dynamic programming bounds from
decision diagrams, INFORMS 2017, Houston, October.
- Autonomous machines are ethical, INFORMS
2017, Houston, October.
- Taking ethics seriously: Why ethics is an essential
tool for the modern workplace, Provost’s Lecture Series, SUNY
Stony Brook, October.
- Job sequencing bounds from decision diagrams,
Constraint Programming Conference (CP 2017), Melbourne, Australia, August.
- Modeling with metaconstraints
and semantic typing of variables, Constraint Programming
Conference (CP 2017), Melbourne, Australia, August.
- Projection in logic, CP and optimization,
invited talk, Workshop on Logic and Search (LaSh
2017), Melbourne, Australia, August.
- Music: Under the hood, Course on musical
composition, Pittsburgh, July-August.
- Cross-cultural ethics and
Abu Dhabi University, UAE, March.
- Sustainability around the world,
professional workshop, Abu Dhabi, UAE, March.
- Scheduling home hospice care by
logic-based Benders decomposition,
Distinguished lecture, Lehigh University, October.
- Learning-based methods for
large-scale optimization,
Whitney Symposium, GE Global Research Center, Schenectady, NY, October.
- Business ethics and engineering,
visiting lecture, Chemical Engineering 06-222, CMU, October.
- Finding alternative musical
scales, CP 2016, Toulouse, France, September. Synthesized mp3s: major scale, new 11-note scale. Chorale and fugue on a 9-note scale: sheet music, mp3.
- Projection, inference, and
consistency, IJCAI
2016, New York City, July.
- Scheduling home hospice care by
logic-based Benders decomposition,
EURO 2016, Poznan, Poland, July.
- Decision diagrams: Tutorial, CP Summer School, Cork, Ireland, June.
- Benders decomposition: Tutorial, CP Summer School, Cork, Ireland, June. Example.
- Decision diagrams for discrete
optimization: Tutorial,
ICAPS 2016, London, June.
- Scheduling home hospice care with
logic-based Benders decomposition,
CPAIOR 2016, Banff, Canada, May.
- Logic-based Benders decomposition: Tutorial,
CPAIOR Master Class, Banff Canada, May. References have been added.
- Overview of decision diagrams for optimization,
INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Princeton, March.
- The United Nations and the refugee crisis,
CMU Model UN conference, March.
- Logic-based Benders decomposition for multiagent
scheduling with sequence-dependent costs, ISAIM, Ft Lauderdale,
- Making ethical decisions, BDO Continuing
Education Seminar, Pittsburgh, December
- Cultural comparative advantage in the global economy,
Thomas M. Kerr Distinguished Lecture in Ethics, Carnegie Mellon in Qatar,
- Integer programming as projection, INFORMS,
Philadelphia, November
- Consistency as projection, INFORMS,
Philadelphia, November
- Intercultural business ethics, keynote
talk, Ethics Week, Utah Valley University, September
- Projection, consistency, and George Boole,
CP 2015, Cork, Ireland, September. Best
paper award.
- From Leibniz to Boole to big data, Boole
Bicentenary conference, Cork, Ireland, August
- Logic, optimization and data analytics,
United Technologies Research Center, Cork, Ireland, August
- Toward stochastic optimization with decision diagrams,
ISMP, Pittsburgh, July
- Pittsburgh: City of innovation, welcoming
remarks at ISMP, Pittsburgh, July
- Equity and efficiency in the allocation of healthcare
resources, INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Nashville, USA, July
- Stochastic decision diagrams, CORS/INFORMS,
Montréal, June
- Planning and scheduling by logic-based Benders
decomposition: A computational analysis, COPLAS workshop,
Jerusalem, June
- Scheduling home health care with separating Benders
cuts in decision diagrams, INFORMS, San Francisco, November
- Large-scale optimization and logical inference,
University College Cork, Ireland, October
- Optimization bounds from binary decision diagrams,
CP 2014, Lyon, France, September.
- Constraint programming techniques in MINLP,
MINLP Workshop, Pittsburgh, June.
- Discrete optimization with decision diagrams,
Australian OR Society, Melbourne, May.
- Modeling with metaconstraints
and semantic typing, Monash University/NICTA, May.
- Optimization models for fairness, Faculty
of Information Technology, Monash University, May.
- Cross-cultural business ethics, Engineers
Australia Seminar, Melbourne, May.
- Large-scale discrete optimization with decision
diagrams, INFORMS Computing Society, Houston, March.
- The separation problem for binary decision diagrams,
ISAIM 2014, Ft Lauderdale, January.
- Finite domain cuts for minimum bandwidth,
INFORMS 2013, Minneapolis, October.
- Decision diagrams and dynamic programming,
INFORMS 2013, Minneapolis, October.
- MIP modeling with metaconstraints
and semantic typing, MIP 2013 Workshop, Madison, WI, July.
- Discrete optimization with decision diagrams,
University of Toronto, May.
- Decision diagrams and dynamic programming,
CPAIOR 2013, Yorktown Heights, NY, May.
- A primal-dual framework for combinatorial problem
solving, Workshop on General Principles in Seeking Feasible
Solutions for Combinatorial Problems, CPAIOR 2013, Yorktown Heights, NY,
- Optimization bounds from binary decision diagrams,
Third Boolean Seminar, Liblice, Czech Republic,
- Osher
course: Religions and cultures (outline), Religions and cultures of the Middle East, Religions and cultures of India, Religions and cultures of East Asia, Religions and Cultures of Africa and the Americas,
Science, religion and fundamentalism,
March-April 2013.
- Optimization bounds from binary decision diagrams,
ICS 2013, Santa Fe, January.
- Constraint programming tutorial, Institute
of Computing, State University of Campinas, Brazil, September-October.
- A hybrid CP/IP method for scheduling,
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo, Brazil,
- Business ethics, State University of
Campinas, Brazil, October.
- A framework for integrating exact and heuristic
optimization methods, keynote talk, Matheuristics
2012, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, September.
- Recent developments in integrated methods for
optimization, EWO Seminar, CMU, August 2012.
- Collaboration opportunities for OR and constraint
programming, special session, NSF CMMI Conference, Boston, July
- Graph coloring facets for all-different systems,
CPAIOR 2012, Nantes, France, May. Video.
- Deglobalization and business culture,
Tepper School Alumni weekend, April 2012. Video.
- Alternative methods for obtaining optimization bounds,
AFOSR Program Review, Alexandria, VA, April 2012.
- Graph coloring facets from all-different systems,
INFORMS Optimization Society (IOS 2012), Miami, January 2012.
- Optimization models for equity, INFORMS
2011, Charlotte, November 2011.
- Graph coloring facets from a constraint programming
formulation, INFORMS 2011, Charlotte, November 2011.
- Integrating CP and mathematical programming,
Tutorial (4 sessions), CP Summer School, Turunç,
Turkey, June 2011. Exercises.
- Working across cultures, American Institute
for Chemical Engineers, Webinar, May 2011. Audio (pay site).
- Integrating solution methods through duality,
US-Mexico workshop on Optimization, Oaxaca, January 2011.
- Leadership in a multicultural marketplace,
Tepper School Alumni Meeting, London, December 2010.
- Combining equity and efficiency in health care,
Imperial College Business School, London, November 2010.
- Optimization Models for Equity, Workshop (3
sessions) presented at London School of Economics, November 2010.
- Global optimization of truss structure design,
INFORMS 2010, Austin, October 2010.
- Combining equity and efficiency in health care,
INFORMS 2010, Austin, October 2010.
- Relaxation based on multivalued decision diagrams,
INFORMS 2010, Austin, October 2010.
- A systematic approach to MDD-based constraint programming,
CP 2010, St Andrews, Scotland, September 2010.
- Multivalued decision diagrams and what they can do for
you, keynote, keynote talk, Workshop on Constraint Reasoning
and Graphical Structures, St Andrews, Scotland, September 2010.
- Modeling distributive justice, European
Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2010), Lisbon, July 2010.
- Integrating solution methods through duality,
Microsoft Tractability Workshop, Cambridge, UK, July 2010.
- Single-facility scheduling over long time horizons by
logic-based Benders decomposition, CPAIOR 2010, Bologna, June.
- An integrated approach to truss structure design,
CPAIOR Workshop on Hybrid Methods for Nonlinear Combinatorial Problems,
Bologna, June 2010.
- Cultural differences in business communication,
University of Pittsburgh, April 2010.
- Corruption from a cross-cultural perspective,
University of Glasgow, March 2010.
- Lessons from MIP search, Workshop on search
in constraint programming, Banff, December 2009
- Recent results for SIMPL: An integrated solver,
London School of Economics, November 2009
- A scheme for integrated optimization, Zuse Institut Berlin,
November 2009.
- The cultural dimension, Sherman Kent School
for Intelligence Analysis, Reston, VA, October 2009.
- Recent results for SIMPL: An intregrated
solver, INFORMS 2009, San Diego, October 2009.
- Keeping it SIMPL: Recent results for an integrated
solver, ISMP 2009, Chicago, August 2009.
- Operations research as empirical modeling,
London School of Economics, June 2009,
- Tutorial: Operations research in constraint
programming, CPAIOR 2009, Pittsburgh, May. Video Part 1, Video Part 2.
- Keeping it SIMPL: Recent results for an integrated
solver, MIT Operations Research Center, March 2009.
- Some observations on boolean
logic and optimization, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, January
- Culture, consumption and global warming,
CMU Focus the Nation, February 2009.
- The cultural dimension, University of
Pittsburgh, January 2009.
- A principled approach to mixed integer/linear problem
formulation, ICS 2009, Charleston, January 2009.
- Information technology and cultural deglobalization,
Conference on Computing and Philosophy (AP-CAP 2008), Bangalore, December.
- Propagating separable equalities in an MDD store,
INFORMS 2008, Washington, October 2008.
- Postoptimality analysis using multivalued decision diagrams,
INFORMS 2008, Washington, October 2008.
- Propagating separable equalities in an MDD store,
INFORMS 2008, Washington, October 2008.
- Optimality conditions for distributive justice,
INFORMS 2008, Washington, October 2008.
- How to Relax, keynote talk, CP/ICAPS 2008, Sydney,
September 2008.
- A principled approach to MILP modeling,
Workshop on Mixed Integer Programming (MIP 2008), Columbia University, New
York, August 2008.
- Tutorial on operations research and constraint
programming, London School of Economics, June 2008. 2 slides per page. 3 slides per page. 6 slides per page.
- Postoptimality
analysis using multivalued decision diagrams, Cork Constraint
Computation Centre, Ireland, June 2008.
- Postoptimality
analysis using multivalued decision diagrams, London School of
Economics, June 2008.
- A tour of modeling techniques, Lancaster
University, UK, June 2008.
- Combining optimization and constraint programming,
Loughborough University, UK, June 2008.
- A world economic order based on cultural comparative
advantage, London School of Economics public lecture, May
2008. Audio recording.
- Optimality conditions for distributive justice,
London School of Economics, May 2008.
- A tour of modeling techniques, EWO Seminar
(Enterprise-wide Optimization), CMU, May 2008.
- Integrated methods for optimization,
Operational Research Society, London, May 2008.
- Understanding the performance of evolutionary
algorithms, AFOSR Workshop, Alexandria, VA, April 2008.
- A framework for ethical decisions, King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dharan, Saudi Arabia, March
- A tour of modeling techniques, King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dharan, Saudi Arabia, March 2008.
- Ethics of intellectual property, CMU Qatar,
Doha, March 2008.
- The cultural dimension, University of
Pittsburgh, February 2008.
- The cultural dimension, Sherman Kent School
for Intelligence Analysis, Reston, VA, February 2008.
- Optimality conditions for distributive justice,
ISAIM 2008, January, updated March.
- Cost-bounded binary decision diagrams for 0-1
programming, INFORMS 2007, Seattle, November.
- The Circuit Polytope, INFORMS 2007,
Seattle, November.
- A constraint store based on multivalued decision
diagrams, INFORMS 2007, Seattle, November 2007.
- The cultural dimension, Sherman Kent School
for Intelligence Analysis, Reston, VA, October 2007.
- A constraint store based on multivalued decision
diagrams, CP 2007, Providence, September. 2007
- Can a competition be scientific?
keynote talk, CP 2007 Workshop on Scheduling a Scheduling Competition,
September 2007.
- Combining optimization and constraint programming,
General Electric Research Center, September 2007.
- A
framework for integrating optimization and constraint programming,
keynote talk, symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation
(SARA 2007), Whistler, Canada, July 2007.
- Cross-cultural
issues in business ethics: Implications for international management and
business, June 2007
- Operations research methods in constraint programming,
CP Summer School tutorial, Lloret de Mar, Spain, June 2007. Video Part 1. Video Part 2. Video Part 3. Video Part 4.
- Cost-bounded binary decision diagrams for 0-1
programming, CPAIOR 2007, Brussels, May.
- Optimal crane scheduling, March 2007.
- Integer programming with binary decision diagrams, ICS
2007, Coral Gables, January
- Discrete global optimization with binary decision diagrams,
GICOLAG, Vienna, December 2006.
- Duality in optimization and constraint satisfaction,
University of Rome (La Sapienza), October 2006.
- Planning and scheduling to minimize tardiness,
EWO Seminar (Enterprise-wide Optimization), CMU, September 2006.
- Duality
in optimization and constraint satisfaction, keynote talk, CPAIOR
2006, Cork, Ireland, June 2006
- Technology and cultural comparative advantage,
CMU Tepper School, April 2006
- Ethics
of intellectual property, CMU, April 2006
- Constraint programming tutorial, April 2006.
- Culture and business, University of
Pittsburgh, Katz School, February 2006
- Ethics and engineering, CMU, Chemical
Engineering Dept, February 2006
- Unifying local and exhaustive search,
Computer Science Department, Brown University, December 2005.
- Socially
responsible investing, CMU SIFE, November 2005
- Convex quasi-relaxations for global optimization,
INFORMS 2005, San Francisco, November 2005.
- A search-infer-and-relax framework for integrating
solution methods, INFORMS 2005, San Francisco, November 2005.
- Planning and scheduling to minimize tardiness,
CP 2005, Barcelona, October 2005
- Past and future of CP, panel presentation,
CP 2005, Barcelona, October 2005.
- Unifying local and exhaustive search, Encuentro Mexicano de Computación
(ENC 2005), Mexico City, September 2005
- Introducción a la programación
de restricciones y optimización (Introduction to constraint
programming and optimization), University of Puebla, Mexico, September 2005
- An integrated OR/CP method for
planning and scheduling,
IT University of Copenhagen, June 2005.
- A search-infer-and-relax method
for integrating solution methods,
CPAIOR 2005, Prague, May 2005.
- Cross-cultural business, Virginia Commonwealth University in Doha, Qatar,
December 2004
- A hybrid method for planning and
scheduling, CP 2004,
Toronto, September 2004
- A system for integrating
optimization techniques,
APMOD 2004, Brunel University, UK, June 2004
- Why teach ethics? CORS/INFORMS 04, Banff, Canada, May 2004
- Planning and scheduling by
logic-based Benders decomposition,
CORS/INFORMS, Banff, Canada, May 2004
- A cross-cultural view of
corruption, Symposium
on Ethics and Internationalization, University of Maryland, April 2004
- Logic-based methods for global
optimization, COCOS 2003, Lausanne, November 2003
- Ethics in OR, INFORMS
2003, Atlanta, November 2003
- A framework for combining
solution methods, International Conference on Operations
Research, University of Havana, September 2003
- A framework for combining
solution methods, University of Buffalo, September 2003
- Logic-based Benders methods for
planning and scheduling, International Symposium on
Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2003), Copenhagen, August 2003
- A framework for integrating
solution methods, Cork Constraint Computation Centre, Ireland,
June 2003
- Integrating constraint
programming and mathematical programming, University of York,
UK, June 2003
- Constraint programming: short
course, Air Products and Chemicals, Allentown, PA, April 2003
- Resolution-based search,
Mathematical Logic Seminar, CMU, February 2003
- A framework for integrating
solution methods, keynote talk, ICS 2003, Phoenix, January 2003
- A modeling system to combine
optimization and constraint programming, INFORMS 2000, San
Antonio, November 2000
- Two schemes for combining mixed
integer programming with constraint programming, September 2000
- Combining optimization and
constraint programming, IBM T. J. Watson Lab, August 2000
- Two schemes for combining mixed
integer programming with constraint programming, IBM T. J.
Watson Lab, August 2000
- Solving fixed-charge network flow
problems with a hybrid optimization and constraint programming approach,
ISMP 2000, Atlanta, August 2000
- Business ethics for engineers,
NSF Workshop on Ethics in Engineering, CMU, May 2000
- Combinando optimización
con progamación de restricciones
(Combining optimization and constraint programming), 4th
International Conference on Operations Research, Havana, Cuba, March 2000
- Integrating constraint
programming and integer programming, Conference on CP and IP, Dagstuhl, Germany, January 2000
- Integrating solution methods in a
modeling language, Operational Research Society (OR41), London,
September 1999
- Integrating optimization and
constraint satisfaction, keynote talk, IJCAI 1999, Stockholm,
August 1999
- Logic-based optimization methods
for engineering design, keynote talk, Turkish Operational
Research Society, Kara Harp Okulu, Ankara, June
- Les élements
culturelles en l’emploie des modelès. Un cas: La logique floue (Fuzzy logic: A case study of
cultural factors in modeling), Montréal, April 1998
- Construyendo puentes
entre la ciencia de la computación
y la investigación de operaciones
(Building bridges between computer science and operations research),
University of the Americas, Puebla, Mexico, March 1997
- Quick tutorial in first order
logic, 1996