Ethics Courses
Sponsored by Center for International
Corporate Responsibility
70-436 (new course) Corporate
Social Responsibility and Global Business
Spring: 9 units.
social responsibility has become an integral part of the
of the business and has direct impact on all traditional functions such
marketing, operations, strategy and human resource management. The
covers several dimensions of social responsibility, including:
managing diversity and complexity; stabilizing the relationship between
and the society in which it operates, including the physical
recognition that the business and society relationship is increasingly a
one, adding many new complexities; having an integrated and
approach to corporate strategy
that explicitly addresses corporate social
responsibility concerns.
Offered by the Business School
70-332 Business, Society and Ethics (required
for business majors)
Spring: 9 units.
course examines the political, social and legal environment of the firm,
within and outside the United States. Topics include restrictive trade practices,
laws and directors' responsibilities and liabilities, manufacturers' responsibilities
and liabilities, securities regulation, environmental protection, intellectual
property, labor unions, trade associations, employee rights and duties, the
attorney-client relationship, advertising and the media, the role of regulatory
agencies, multinational operations, dealing with bribery and corruption,
values in a business society, societal implications of business policies
and corporate social responsibility.
Offered by the Philosophy Department
at Carnegie Mellon
80-130 Introduction to Ethics
Spring: 9 units
As an Introduction to Ethics, the course is designed to be both
historical and
thematic. Key representatives of the history of ethics will be discussed
detail and major ethical theories will be analyzed in relation to
situations. The moral philosophies of Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Bentham and
etc. will be presented as background to the thematic problems of ethical
relativism, egoism, utilitarianism, and other concepts of ethical
80-136 Social Structure, Public Policy,
& Ethical Dilemmas
Spring: 9 units
This course is to help students to think through issues about ethical
and moral
dimensions of social policies, economic policies and ways of structuring
political and other institutions. The course is not based on individual
decisions but rather on collective action, especially through the state.
course will always proceed through discussions of concrete examples, and
general moral perspectives, economic principles, or rational dilemmas
will be
extracted from the cases. For each example, we will examine how legal
empirical considerations interact with ethical considerations.
80-230 Ethical Theory
Spring: 9 units
Ethical theory addresses the most fundamental normative questions of
human conduct. Some of these questions can be stated in the following
How do we determine the right way to act in our lives? What, if
anything, is
the ultimate end which we should try to achieve in life? What reasons
can we
give for living our lives a particular way? Of course, everyone must
with questions like these in everyday living. In this course we will
some attempts by philosophers to give general accounts of the moral life
provide alternative answers to these important practical questions. To
motivate our discussion, we will study selections from both classic and
contemporary works in moral theory. Prerequisite: 80-130 or permission
80-241 Professional Ethics
Fall & Spring: 9 units
This is a self-paced course that examines the numerous ethical issues,
problems and dilemmas that confront professionals in such areas as
medicine, law, engineering, the media, government and the natural and
social sciences. As a self-paced course, video and audio tapes and an
electronic bulletin board are employed to create a virtual classroom for
student discussions.
80-243 Business Ethics
Alternate Years (Spring): 9 units
Various moral mazes that confront managers in the contemporary business
organization will be the focus of this course. Topics treated will
conflicts of interest, whistleblowing, confidentiality and privacy,
issues, sexual harassment, diversity in the workplace, international
ethics and corporate social responsibility. Codes of business ethics,
audits, recommendations from the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Commission,
ethics hotlines, business ethics officers, corporate ethics committees
other mechanisms designed to address the ethics of business will also be
80-245 Medical Ethics
Alternate Years (Spring): 9 units
This course provides a detailed introduction to a range of ethical
issues that
arise in the context of health care provision, research, and public
Topics will include the nature of the moral relationships between health
professionals, patients, and various third parties such as the
government or insurance companies. We will take up questions of
liberty in end of life decisions, including assisted suicide, as well as
in other
contexts such as reproduction. We will also look at the impact of
innovation on our notions of life, death, the family and the
human body and examine specific ethical issues in medical research.
the course engages such substantive ethical issues it also attempts to
sharpen students’ skills in practical reasoning through argument
analogical reasoning, and the application of theory and principles to
particular cases.
Offered by the Business School
45-740 Business Law and Ethics (required for MBA students)
This course examines the external political, social and legal environment of the
firm and its managers. the historical development as well as the economic and
social implications of these constraints will be analyzed. Problems dealing with
legal and regulatory matters will be considered, including labor negotiations,
antitrust, mergers and acquisitions, licensing, patents and warranties, officers’
directors’ responsibilities and liabilities, manufacturers’ and suppliers’ product
liability, securities regulations, equal opportunity, pollution and safety. The political,
social and technological role of managers as a group will also be considered.
Particular consideration will be given to the role managers’ play in relation to that of
the government.
45-849 Ethical Issues in Business
Mini 3
This course examines ethical issues in business
from both a Western and a global
perspective. It first analyzes a series of cases from the point of view of Western
thought, covering such issues as privacy, employee rights, product liability,
sexual harassment,
diversity, intellectual property and corporate responsibility. It
then examines how
other cultures give rise to different norms for business practice,
for instance in such matters as
nepotism, gifts, "cronyism," sexual equality, family
obligations, care, loyalty, and
economic development. The class is conducted in a
Socratic manner that enables students to develop skills
in presenting arguments.