Business Ethics
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Business Ethics Links

Appearance of a site below does not imply endorsement.
Last update April 2015.


Academic Sites

Arrupe Program in Social Ethics for Business (Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University).  The mission of Woodstock’s Arrupe Program in Social Ethics for Business is to develop, refine, and communicate an empirically-based Christian social ethics for business.

The Beard Institute (Duquesne University) advances the profession of management through the integration of three established disciplines: business ethics, sustainability and responsible financial management.

Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship works with global corporations to help them define, plan and operationalize their corporate citizenship.

Business Ethics at Carnegie MellonEthics-related activities and resources at the Tepper School of Business.

Center for Applied Ethics at Hong Kong Baptist University strives to stimulate critical reasoning 
about fundamental ethical concerns in contemporary society, to raise awareness of moral values, 
and to further strengthen the university's commitment to research and whole person education. 

Center for Ethics and Business at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles provides an environment for discussing issues related to the necessity, difficulty, costs and rewards of conducting business ethically.

Center for Ethics and Corporate Responsibility (Georgia State University), formerly known as The Southern Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, is one of the nation's leading centers promoting professional integrity and global corporate responsibility.

Center for Ethics and Policy (Carnegie Mellon University) is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to advancing applied ethics and political philosophy through the integration of first-quality theoretical reflection and a discerning engagement with the practical settings in which important ethical issues arise.

Center for Ethics, Capital Markets and Political Economy is a non-profit organization [providing] a 
discussion forum and information resource for persons who believe that moral concerns should be 
taken into account in economic and political thinking.

Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics and Board Effectiveness is the locus of research on business ethics and corporate governance at the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.

Council for Ethical Leadership (Capital University School of Management) The Council’s mission is to promote ethical leadership and accountability through advocacy of best ethical practices and applied ethics education. This mission will be accomplished through 1) encouraging ethical dialogue, 2) promoting best ethical practices and 3) developing new ethical leaders.

David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership (University of Pittsburgh) focuses on creating and utilizing knowledge through cutting-edge research, experience-based teaching, and active community engagement.

Dartmouth College Ethics Institute has been distinguished by a grassroots faculty interest in ethics. It now comprises over 150 Dartmouth faculty and administrators with interests in applied and professional ethics ranging from medical, business, legal, and engineering ethics, to the ethics of teaching and research. 

Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership at the University of St. Thomas provides innovative interdisciplinary research, curriculum development and programs focusing holistically on the formation of both students and practicing professionals into ethical leaders in their communities.

Institute for Business and Professional Ethics at DePaul University.  The mission of the Institute is to facilitate ethical deliberation by stirring the moral conscience and by developing models for ethical decision-making in business and the professions.

W. Maurice Young Center for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia advances research and teaching of applied ethics, conceived as the application of normative methods to core issues in science and technology ethics and policy, organizational ethics, animal welfare, health, the environment, and research ethics.

Wharton Ethics Program enables students to develop the critical skills and analytical frameworks essential to identify, characterize, and resolve ethical problems likely to arise in their business careers.


Membership Organizations

Better Business Bureau Online.  Its mission is to promote trust and confidence on the Internet 
through the reliability and privacy programs. 

Business for Social Responsibility is a membership organization for companies of all sizes and 
sectors.  Its mission is to be the leading global resource providing members with innovative 
products and services that help companies be commercially successful in ways that demonstrate 
respect for ethical values, people, communities and the environment.

Canadian Business for Social Responsibility is changing the way business does business by supporting Canadian companies to advance their social, environmental and financial performance.

Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy is a volunteer-driven organization comprised of 
corporations and individuals dedicated to developing and maintaining an ethical corporate culture.

CSR Europe is the leading European business network for corporate social responsibility with over 60 leading multinational corporations as members.

Defense Industry Initiative on Business Ethics and Conduct is a consortium of U.S. defense 
industry contractors which subscribes to a set of principles for achieving high standards of 
business ethics and conduct. 

Ethics and Compliance Officer Association is a non-consulting, member-driven association exclusively for individuals who are responsible for their organization's ethics, compliance, and business conduct programs.

European Baha'i Business Forum is a global professional non-profit association of men and 
women practicing and promoting moral and ethical values in business

European Business Ethics Network is the only International network dedicated wholly to the promotion of business ethics in European private industry, public sector,  voluntary organizations, and academia.

Greater Houston Business Ethics Roundtable is a voluntary professional organization dedicated to 
promoting ethical business practices and serving as a forum for the exchange of information and 
strategies regarding implementation, administration and compliance of ethical business conduct 

Institute for Global Ethics is an independent, nonsectarian, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting ethical action in a global context.

Institute for Management Consultants USA exists to establish professional and ethical standards 
for management consultants, to provide continuing education and information relevant to the 
profession, and to increase public awareness of the management consulting profession.

Net-Impact (formerly Students for Responsible Business) Net Impact is a community of more than 30,000 changemakers using our jobs to tackle the world’s toughest problems, demonstrating that it’s possible to make a net impact that benefits not just the bottom line – but people and planet, too.

Society for Business Ethics is an international organization of scholars and others interested in business ethics. The Society provides a forum for those interested in research, teaching, or the practical application of ethical principles and concepts to the management of businesses.


Codes of Ethics

Codes of Ethics Online The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at the Illinois Institute 
of Technology received a grant from the National Science Foundation to put our collection 
of over  850 codes of ethics on the World-Wide Web. We are including our codes of ethics of 
professional  societies, corporations, government, and academic institutions.



Caux - Initiatives of Change works to promote peace, prevent conflicts, build trust and encourage intercultural dialogue and ethical conduct in business.

Global Ethics University is your one-stop online ethics and compliance-training provider for both individuals and corporations.

Ethics Resource Center (Washington, D.C.) is devoted to independent research and the advancement of high ethical standards and practices in public and private institutions. 

Ethics Updates is designed primarily to be used by ethics instructors and their students. It is 
intended to provide updates on current literature, both popular and professional, that relates to 

Global Compact (United Nations) asks companies to embrace universal principles and to partner with the United Nations. It has grown to become a critical platform for the UN to engage effectively with enlightened global business.

Guide to Ethical Values in Business (Redbeam) contains several links to materials on business ethics.

International Business Ethics Institute fosters global business practices which promote equitable 
economic development, resource sustainability and just forms of government.

International Marketing Resources.  Links related to cross-cultural marketing and ethics.

Intute: Business and Management provides free access to high quality resources on the Internet. Each resource has been evaluated and categorised by subject specialists based at UK universities.

Online Ethics Center at the National Academy of Engineering offers ideas, teaching advice, research, and other pedagogical information about incorporating ethics into the engineering classroom at every level.

Transparency International, the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption, brings people together in a powerful worldwide coalition to end the devastating impact of corruption on men, women and children around the world.




