John Hooker's Books and Articles

Last update:  July 2024

Musical compositions are here.


Ethics and OR/AI: book

     Ö. Elçi, J. N. Hooker, and P. Zhang, The Structure of Fair Solutions: Achieving Fairness in an Optimization Model.  Springer, to appear.

Operations Research/Constraint Programming: book

     J. N. Hooker, Logic-Based Benders Decomposition: Theory and Applications.  Springer.

Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     Integer programming duality, Encyclopedia of Optimization 3rd ed., edited by P. Pardalos and O. Prokopyev.  Springer.  Published online.

     Integer programming: Lagrangian relaxation, Encyclopedia of Optimization 3rd ed., edited by P. Pardalos and O. Prokopyev.  Springer.  Published online.

     Logic-based Benders decomposition, to appear in Encyclopedia of Optimization 3rd ed., edited by P. Pardalos and O. Prokopyev.  Springer.

Ethics and OR/AI: articles

     V. Chen, J. N. Hooker and D. Leben, Assessing group fairness with social welfare optimization, CPAIOR 2024 Proceedings, Springer, pp 208-225.  Best paper award.

     T. W. Kim, Pierre Jinghong Liang, and John Hooker, Yuiji Ijiri’s fairness question: Perspectives from analytic ethics and game theory, to appear in Journal of Accounting, Economics and Law.

     Fairness modeling, to appear in Encyclopedia of Optimization 3rd ed., edited by P. Pardalos and O. Prokopyev.  Springer.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     Ö. Elçi, J. N. Hooker, and P. Zhang, Structural characteristics of fair solutions, June.

     A. Ragunathan, D. Bergman, J. N. Hooker, T. Serra, and S Kobori, Seamless multimodal transportation scheduling, INFORMS Journal on Computing, published online.

     D. Davarnia, A. Rajabalizadeh, and J. N. Hooker, Achieving consistency with cutting planes, Mathematical Programming 198, 507-537.

Ethics and OR/AI: articles

     V. Chen and J. N. Hooker, A guide to formulating fairness in an optimization model, Annals of Operations Research 326, 581-619.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     G. Benade, N. Ho-Nguyen and J.N. Hooker, Political districting without geography, Operations Research Perspectives 9, published online.

     Ö. Elçi and J. N. Hooker, Stochastic planning and scheduling with logic-based Benders decomposition, INFORMS Journal on Computing 34, 2428-2442.

     J. N. Hooker, Stochastic decision diagrams, CPAIOR Proceedings, Springer LNCS 13292, 138-154.

     V. Chen and J. N. Hooker, Combining leximax fairness and efficiency in a mathematical programming model, European Journal of Operational Research 299, 235-248.

Ethics: article

      J. N. Hooker and T. W. Kim, Humanizing business in the age of artificial intelligence, in M. Dion, E. Freeman, and S. Dmytriyev, eds., Humanizing Business: What Humanities Can Say to Business, Springer, 201-219.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     V. Chen and J. N. Hooker, Welfare-based fairness through optimization, June.

Ethics: book

     J. N. Hooker, Advanced Introduction to Business Ethics, Edward Elgar Publishers, ISBN 978-1-80037-855-1.

Ethics: articles

     T. W. Kim, T. Lu, K. Lee, Z. Cheng, Y. Tang, J. N. Hooker, When is it permissible for artificial intellgence to lie?, March.  Society for Business Ethics 2021 Best Paper Award.

     T. W. Kim, J. N. Hooker, and T. Donaldson, Taking principles seriously: A hybrid approach to value alignment in artificial intelligence, Journal of AI Research 70, 871-890.

     J. N. Hooker, Instead of ethically dubious mandates, employers can try “soft” vaccine policies, The Hill, 7 August.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     T. Serra and J. N. Hooker, Compact representation of near-optimal integer programming solutions, Mathematical Programming 182, 199-232.

     G. Benadé and J. N. Hooker, Optimization bounds from the branching dual, INFORMS Journal on Computing 32, 3-15.  Instance generating codes are here (random) and here (Turner); instructions are here.

Ethics: articles

     V. Chen and J. N. Hooker, Balancing fairness and efficiency in an optimization model, June.

     J. N. Hooker and T. W. Kim, Truly autonomous machines are ethical, AI Magazine 40, 66-73.

     V. Chen and J. N. Hooker, A just approach to balancing Rawlsian leximax fairness and utilitarianism, AIES 2020 Proceedings (AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society),


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, A brief tour of logic and optimization, solicited by INFORMS Optimization Society Newsletter, which ceased publication in 2018.

     J. N. Hooker, Improved job sequencing bounds from decision diagrams, in T. Schiex and S. de Givry, eds., CP 2019 Proceedings, 268-284.

     F. Grenouilleau, W.-J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker. A multi-label A* algorithm for multi-agent pathfinding, ICAPS 2019 Proceedings, 181-185.

     J. N. Hooker, Logic-based Benders decomposition for large-scale optimization, in J. Velasquez-Bermúdez, M. Khakifirooz, and M. Fathi, eds., Large Scale Optimization Applied to Supply Chain and Smart Manufacturing: Theory and Real-Life Applications, Springer, 1-26.

     D. Davarnia and J. N. Hooker, Consistency for 0-1 programming, in L.-M. Rousseau and K. Stergiou, eds., CPAIOR 2019 Proceedings, 225-240.

     T. Serra, A. U. Raghunathan, D. Bergman, J. N. Hooker, S. Kobori, Last-mile scheduling under uncertainty, in L.-M. Rousseau and K. Stergiou, eds., CPAIOR 2019 Proceedings, 519-528.

     A. Heching, J. N. Hooker and R. Kimura, A logic-based Benders approach to home healthcare delivery, Transportation Science 53, 510-522.

     S. Hoda, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker, Commentary on ``A systematic approach to MDD-based constraint programming,” in E. Freuder, ed., CP Anniversary Volume, to appear.

Ethics: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Trusting algorithms in Society 5.0, in M. Fathi, M. Khakifirooz, and P. M. Pardalos, eds., Optimization in Large Scale Problems: Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 Applications, Springer, 13-16.

     T. W. Kim, T. Donaldson, and J. N. Hooker, Grounding value alignment with ethical principles, February.

     J. N. Hooker and T. W. Kim, Ethical implications of the 4th Industrial Revolution for business and society, in D. Wasileski and J. Weber, Business and Society 360, v. 3: Business Ethics, Emerald, 35-63.

     J. N. Hooker, Dealing with tough ethical dilemmas, Thought Leaders Blog, 11 March.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     D. Bergman, J. N. Hooker, A. Raghunathan and T. Serra, The integrated last-mile transportation problem (ILMTP), ICAPS 2018 Proceedings, 388-398.

     J. N. Hooker and W-J. van Hoeve, Constraint programming and operations research, Constraints 23, 172-195.

Constraint Programming: edited book

     J. N. Hooker, ed., Proceedings, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2018), LNCS 11006, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-98334-9.

Ethics: book

     J. N. Hooker, Taking Ethics Seriously: Why Ethics Is an Essential Tool for the Modern Workplace, Taylor and Francis, ISBN 9781138299580

Ethics: articles

     T. W. Kim, T. Donaldson, and J. N. Hooker, Mimetic vs. anchored value alignment in artificial intelligence, November.

     J. N. Hooker, What can we do about hate?  October.

     J. N. Hooker and Tae-Wan Kim, Toward non-intuition-based machine and artificial intelligence ethics: A deontological approach based on modal logic, AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society Proceedings (AIES 2018), 130-136.

     J. N. Hooker, TheirSpace: How the Facebook privacy debate raises ethical questions for the virtual age, Tepper School website, 19 July.

     J. N. Hooker, Ethics is serious business, Great Leadership Blog, 14 June.

     J. N. Hooker, Doing ethics with our brains, ChangeThis Manifesto, 13 June.

     J. N. Hooker, Developing ethical leaders, Leadership Excellence,, June, 7-9.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Job sequencing bounds from decision diagrams, in J. C. Beck, ed., CP 2017 Proceedings, LNCS 10416, 565-578.

     L. Genç-Kaya and J. N. Hooker, The hamiltonian circuit polytope, revised June.

Music/Constraint Programming: article

     J. N. Hooker, In search of the perfect musical scale, May.  Extended abstract and full paper in Association for Logic Programming Newsletter, 13 July..


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: book

     D. Bergman, A. Ciré, W-J van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, Decision Diagrams for Optimization, Springer.

Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Projection, consistency, and George Boole, Constraints 21, 59-76.  Best paper award, CP 2015.

     D. Bergman, A. A. Ciré, W.-J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, Discrete optimization with decision diagrams, INFORMS Journal on Computing 28, 47-66.

     A. Ciré, J. N. Hooker and T. Yunes, Modeling with metaconstraints and semantic typing of variables, INFORMS Journal on Computing 28, 1-13.

     H. P. Williams and J. N. Hooker, Integer programming as projection, Discrete Optimization 22B, 291-311.

     A. Heching and J. N. Hooker, Scheduling home hospice care with logic-based Benders decomposition, CPAIOR 2016 Proceedings, 187-197.

     E. Çoban, A. Heching, J. N. Hooker and A. Scheller-Wolf, Robust scheduling with logic-based Benders decomposition, OR 2014 Proceedings, Springer, 99-106.

     A. Ciré, E. Çoban and J. N. Hooker, Logic-based Benders decomposition for planning and scheduling: A computational analysis, Knowledge Engineering Review 31, 440-451.

     J. N. Hooker, Projection, inference and consistency, IJCAI 2016 Proceedings, 4175-4179.

Ethics: article

     J. N. Hooker, Autonomous machines are the best kind, because they are ethical.  Revised November.

Music/Constraint Programming: article

     J. N. Hooker, Finding alternative musical scales, CP 2016 Proceedings, 753-768.  Solutions for 11-note scales.  Synthesized mp3s: major scale, new 11-note scale.  Chorale and fugue on a 9-note scale: sheet music, mp3..


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     Ciré, E. Çoban and J. N. Hooker, Logic-based Benders decomposition for planning and scheduling: A computational analysis, COPLAS 2015 Proceedings, 21-29.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Optimal control with decision diagrams: A conceptual foundation, November.

     B. Peterson, I. Harjunkoski, S. Hoda, and J. N. Hooker, Scheduling multiple factory cranes on a common track, Computers and Operations Research 48, 102-112.

     D. Bergman and J. N. Hooker, Graph coloring inequalities from all-different systems, Constraints 19, 404-433.

     Harjunkoski, C. Maravelias, P. Bongers, P. Castro, S. Engell, I. Grossmann, J. N. Hooker, G. Sand, and J. Wassick, Scope for industrial applications of production scheduling models and solution methods, Computers and Chemical Engineering 62, 161-193.  CACE Best Paper Award, 2014.

     Ciré and J. N. Hooker, The separation problem for binary decision diagrams, ISAIM 2014 Proceedings.

Ethics and cross-cultural issues: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Is privacy obsolete?, World's Most Ethical Companies Executive Briefing, Ethisphere, August.

     J. N. Hooker, Morals and markets, DriveWorld, SEW EuroDrive, January, 28-29.

     J. N. Hooker, Bridging a supply chain's cultural divide, Inside Supply Management, first quarter, 34-36.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     David Bergman, Andre Cire, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker, Optimization bounds from binary decision diagrams, INFORMS Journal on Computing 26, 253-268.

     J. N. Hooker, Decision diagrams and dynamic programming, C. Gomes and M. Sellmann, eds., CPAIOR 2013 Proceedings, 94-110.

     A. Ciré, E. Coban and J. N. Hooker, Mixed integer programming vs logic-based Benders decomposition for planning and scheduling, C. Gomes and M. Sellmann, eds., CPAIOR 2013 Proceedings, 325-331.

     Elvin Coban and J. N. Hooker, Single facility scheduling by logic-based Benders decomposition, Annals of Operations Research 210, 245-272.

     J. N. Hooker, Toward unification of exact and heuristic optimization methods, International Transactions in OR, published online May 2013.

Ethics and cross-cultural issues: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Moral implications of rational choice theories, in C. Lütge, ed., Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics, Springer, 1459-1476.

     J. N. Hooker, Ethics at the other end of the supply chain, Ethisphere Magazine, first quarter 2013, 34-36.

     J. N. Hooker, Why we want everyone to be like us, February.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: book

     J. N. Hooker, Integrated Methods for Optimization, second edition, Springer.  CorrectionsSolutions.

Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     Andre Cire and J. N. Hooker, A heuristic logic-based Benders method for the home health care problem, May, revised December.

     David Bergman and J. N. Hooker, Finite-domain cuts for graph coloring, April.

     J. N. Hooker and H. P. Williams, Combining equity and utilitarianism in a mathematical programming model, Management Science 58, 1682-1693.

     David Bergman and J. N. Hooker, Graph coloring facets from all-different systems, in N. Beldiceanu, N. Jussien and E. Pinson, eds., CPAIOR 2012 Proceedings, 50-65.

     David Bergman, Andre A. Cire, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker, Variable ordering for the application of BDDs to the maximum independent set problem, in N. Beldiceanu, N. Jussien and E. Pinson, eds., CPAIOR 2012 Proceedings, 34-49.

Cross-cultural issues: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Cultural differences in business communication, in C. B. Paulston, S. F. Kiesling, and E. S. Rangel, eds., Handbook of Intercultural Discourse and Communication, Wiley, 389-407.

     J. N. Hooker, Globalization and business culture, CMU Alumni workshop, April.

     J. N. Hooker, Managing projects across cultures, August.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Hybrid modeling, in M. Milano and P. Van Hentenryck, eds., Hybrid Optimization: The Ten Years of CPAIOR, Springer, 11-62.

     David Bergman, W.-J. Van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, Manipulating MDD relaxations for combinatorial optimization, in T. Achterberg and J. S. Beck, eds., CPAIOR 2011 Proceedings, 20-35.

     Ionuţ Aron, Latife Genç-Kaya, Iiro Harjunkoski, Samid Hoda, and J. N. Hooker, Factory crane scheduling by dynamic programming, in R. Kevin Wood and Robert F. Dell, eds., Operations Research, Computing and Homeland Defense (ICS 2011 Proceedings), INFORMS, 93-107.

     J. N. Hooker, Formulating good MILP models, in J. J. Cochran et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley.   

Ethics: book

     J. N. Hooker, Business Ethics as Rational Choice, Pearson Prentice-Hall.  eTextbook.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     Elvin Coban and J. N. Hooker, Single-facility scheduling over long time horizons by logic-based Benders decomposition, in A. Lodi, M. Milano and P. Toth, eds., CPAIOR 2010 Proceedings, 87-91.

     S. Hoda, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker, A systematic approach to MDD-based constraint programming, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2010), LNCS 6308, 266-280.

     T. Yunes, I. Aron, and J. N. Hooker, An integrated solver for optimization problems, Operations Research 58, 342-356.

     J. N. Hooker, Optimization methods in logic, in Y. Crama and P. Hammer, eds., Boolean Models and Methods in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering, Cambridge University Press, 160-196.

Ethics: article

     J. N. Hooker, Optimality conditions for distributive justice  International Transactions on Operational Research 17, 485-505.    Shorter version presented at International Symposium on AI and Math (ISAIM 2008).


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     D. Bergman and J. N. Hooker, Polyhedral results for alldifferent systems, November.

     J. N. Hooker, A principled approach to mixed integer/linear problem formulation, in J. W. Chinneck, B. Kristjansson, and M. Saltzman, eds., Operations Research and Cyber-Infrastructure (ICS 2009 Proceedings), Springer, 79-100.

Operations research/Constraint Programming: edited book

     W.-J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5547, Springer.

Ethics: edited book

     M. Dobashi, J. N. Hooker, and P. Madsen, editors, A Survey of International Corporate Responsibility, International Corporate Responsibility Series vol. 4, Philosophy Documentation Center, 2009, ISBN 188968077X.

Ethics and cross-cultural issues: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Corruption from a cross-cultural perspective, Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal 16 (2009) 251-267.

     J. N. Hooker, A cross-cultural view of corruption, Ethisphere (3rd quarter 2009) 56-57.  Also on Forbes website.


Operations research/Constraint Programming: articles

     T. Hadzic, J. N. Hooker, B. O'Sullivan, and P. Tiedemann, Approximate compilation of constraints into multivalued decision diagrams, in P. J. Stuckey, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2008), LNCS  5202, 448-462.

     T. Hadzic, J. N. Hooker, and P. Tiedemann, Propagating separable equalities in an MDD store, in L.Perron and M. A, Trick, eds.,Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2008), LNCS 5015, 318-322.

     F. S. Salman, R. Ravi, and J. N. Hooker, Solving the capacitated local access network design problem, INFORMS Journal on Computing 20, 243-254.

Ethics and cross-cultural issues: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Cross-cultural consumer marketing, in R. W. Kolb, ed., Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, Sage Publishing, 533-534 (vol. 1).

     J. N. Hooker, Side-payments, in R. W. Kolb, ed., Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, Sage Publishing, 1923-1925 (vol. 4).

     J. N. Hooker, Shame, in R. W. Kolb, ed., Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, Sage Publishing, 1900-1902 (vol. 4).

     J. N. Hooker, A world economic order based on cultural comparative advantage, public lecture, London School of Economics, May.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: book

     J. N. Hooker, Integrated Methods for Optimization, Springer, 2007, ISBN 0387382720.  Corrections.

Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Planning and scheduling by logic-based Benders decomposition, Operations Research 55 (2007) 588-602.  Problem instances are here.

     H. R. Andersen, T. Hadzic, J. N. Hooker, and P. Tiedemann, A constraint store based on multivalued decision diagrams, in C. Bessiere, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2007), LNCS  4741, 118-132.

     J. N. Hooker, Good and bad futures for constraint programming (and operations research), Constraint Programming Letters 1 (2007) 21-32.

     Tarik Hadzic and J. N. Hooker, Cost-bounded binary decision diagrams for 0-1 programming, in E. Loute and L. Wolsey, eds., Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2007), LNCS 4510, 84-98.

Ethics: edited book

     J. N. Hooker, J. F. Hulpke, and P. Madsen, editors, Controversies in International Corporate Responsibility, International Corporate Responsibility Series vol. 3, Philosophy Documentation Center, 2007, ISBN 9781889680569.

Ethics: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Professional ethics: Does it matter which hat we wear?  Keynote talk for opening of Interdisciplinary Ethics Centre, University of Glasgow, September 2006; published in Journal of Business Ethics Education 4 (2007).


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     Tarik Hadzic and J. N. Hooker, Postoptimality analysis for integer programming using binary decision diagrams, December, revised April 2008.

     J. N. Hooker, Duality in optimization and constraint satisfaction, in J. C. Beck and B. M. Smith, eds., Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2006), LNCS 3990 (2006) 3-15.

     Latife Genç Kaya and J. N. Hooker, A filter for the circuit constraint,, in F. Benhamou, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2006), LNCS 4204, 706-710.

     J. N. Hooker, An integrated method for planning and scheduling to minimize tardiness, Constraints 11 (2006) 139-157.

     J. N. Hooker, Operations research methods in constraint programming, in F. Rossi, P. van Beek and T. Walsh, eds., Handbook of Constraint Programming, Elsevier, 527-570.

     J. N. Hooker, Logic-based modeling, in G. Appa, M. Pitsoulis, and and H. P. Williams, eds., Handbook on Modelling for Discrete Optimization, Springer (2006) 61-102.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, A search-infer-and-relax framework for integrating solution methods, earlier version in Roman Barták and Michela Milano, eds., Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2005), LNCS 3524 (2005) 243-257.

     J. N. Hooker, A hybrid method for planning and scheduling, Constraints 10 (2005) 385-401 . Problem instances are here.

     J. N. Hooker, Planning and scheduling to minimize tardiness, in P. van Beek, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2005), LNCS 3709, 314-327. Problem instances are here.

     J. N. Hooker, Unifying local and exhaustive search, in L. Villaseñor and A. I. Martinez, eds., Avances in la Ciencia de la Computación (ENC 2005), 237-243.

     J. N. Hooker, Convex programming methods for global optimization, in C. Jermann, A. Neumaier, and D. Sam, eds., Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction (COCOS 2003, invited talk), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3478, Springer (46-60) 2005.

     Alexander Bockmayr and John Hooker, Constraint programming, in K. Aardal, G. Nemhauser and R. Weismantel, eds., Handbook of Discrete Optimization, Elsevier (2005) 559-600.

Ethics: edited book

     John Hooker, Ans Kolk, and Peter Madsen, eds., Perspectives on International Corporate Responsibility, International Corporate Responsibility Series, vol. 2, Philosophy Documentation Center, December 2005, ISBN 1-889680-45-1.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     Aron, J. N. Hooker, and T. H. Yunes, SIMPL: A system for integrating optimization techniques, in J.-C. Régin and M. Rueher, eds., Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2004), LNCS 3011, 21-36.

     J. N. Hooker, A hybrid method for planning and scheduling, in M. Wallace, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2004), LNCS 3258, 305-316. Problem instances are here.

     M. A. Osorio and J. N. Hooker, A logic approach to semicontinuous flow variable formulation in process synthesis problems, in J. Guddat, H. Th. Jongen, J. J. Ruckmann, and M. Todorov, eds., Parametric Optimization and Related Topics VII, Aportaciones Matematicas 18 (2004), 169-186.

Ethics: edited book

     John Hooker and Peter Madsen, eds., International Corporate Responsibility: Exploring the Issues, Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2004, ISBN 0887484018.

Ethics, philosophy and cross-cultural issues: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Introducing the Journal of Business Ethics Education, Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (2004) 75-88 3-6.

     J. N. Hooker, The case against business ethics: A study in bad arguments, Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (2004) 75-88.

     J. N. Hooker, A cross-cultural view of corruption, in M. Trick, ed., Global Corporate Evolution: Looking Inward or Looking Outward, Carnegie Bosch Institute International Management Series v. 4. (2004) 31-39.

     John Hooker, A cross-cultural view of corruption, Guide to Global Corporate Social Responsibility, v. 2, International Chamber of Commerce, Cyworks (2004) 166-169.

     J. N. Hooker, Is design theory possible?, Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application 6 (2004, no. 2) 73-82.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, A framework for integrating solution methods, (plenary talk) in H. K. Bhargava and Mong Ye, eds., Computational Modeling and Problem Solving in the Networked World (Proceedings of ICS2003), Kluwer (2003) 3-30.

     J. N. Hooker and G. Ottosson, Logic-based Benders decomposition (original version submitted 1995, under review for 7 years), Mathematical Programming 96 (2003) 33-60.

     J. N. Hooker, Foreword, in M. Milano, ed., Constraint and Integer Programming: Toward a Unified Methodology, Kluwer (2003).

Cross-cultural issues: book

     John Hooker, Working Across Cultures, Stanford University Press (2003).

Ethics and Philosophy: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Why business ethics?, April 2003. 


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker and Hong Yan, A relaxation for the cumulative constraint, October 2001, Revised May 2002.  Short version in P. Van Hentenryck, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2470 (2002) 686-690.

     Hak-Jin Kim and J. N. Hooker, Solving fixed-charge network flow problems with a hybrid optimization and constraint programming approach, Annals of Operations Research 115 (2002) 95-124.

     J. N. Hooker, Logic, optimization and constraint programming, INFORMS Journal on Computing 14 (2002) 295-321.

     J. N. Hooker, G. Rago, V. Chandru, and A. Shrivastava, Partial instantiation methods for inference in first order logic, Journal of Automated Reasoning 28 (2002) 371-396.

     G. Ottosson, E. Thorsteinsson and J. N. Hooker, Mixed global constraints and inference in hybrid IP-CLP solvers, Annals of Mathematics and AI 34 (2002) 271-290.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     J. N. Hooker, Hak-Jin Kim and G. Ottosson, A declarative modeling framework that integrates solution methods, 1998, Annals of Operations Research 104 (141-161) 2001.

     S. Bollapragada, O. Ghattas and J. N. Hooker, Optimal design of truss structures by mixed logical and linear programming, Operations Research 49 (2001) 42-51.

     John Hooker, Integer programming duality, in C. A Floudas and P. M. Pardalos, eds., Encyclopedia of Optimization, vol. 2 Kluwer (2001) 533-543.

     John Hooker, Integer programming: Lagrangian relaxation, in C. A Floudas and P. M. Pardalos, eds., Encyclopedia of Optimization, vol. 2 Kluwer (2001) 543-549.

Ethics: article

     J. N. Hooker, Ethics in six not-so-easy lessons, April 2001.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: book

     John Hooker, Logic-Based Methods for Optimization: Combining Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, John Wiley & Sons (2000). Corrections.

Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

     E. Grossmann and J. N. Hooker, Logic based approaches for mixed integer programming models and their application in process synthesis, in M. F. Malone et al., eds., Proceedings of 5th FOCAPD Conference, AICHE Symposium Series 96, No. 323, 70-83 (2000)

     J. N. Hooker, G. Ottosson, E. S. Thornsteinsson, Hak-Jin Kim, A scheme for unifying optimization and constraint satisfaction methods, Knowledge Engineering Review 15 (2000) 11-30.

     M. Dawande and J. N. Hooker, Inference-based sensitivity analysis for mixed integer/linear programming, revised 1997, Operations Research 48 (2000) 623-634.

Ethics: article

     J. N. Hooker, Some business-related ethical issues in engineering, May 2000.   


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: book

      Vijay Chandru and John Hooker, Optimization Methods for Logical Inference, John Wiley & Sons (1999).

Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

·         G. Ottosson, E. Thorsteinsson and J. N. Hooker, Mixed global constraints and inference in hybrid IP-CLP solvers, CP99 Post-Conference Workshop on Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization and Constraints, (1999) 57-78.

·         J. N. Hooker, G. Ottosson, E. S. Thorsteinsson, and Hak-Jin Kim, On integrating constraint propagation and linear programming for combinatorial optimization, Proceedings of the 16th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99), MIT Press (Cambridge, MA, 1999) 136-141.

·         J. N. Hooker and M. A. Osorio, Mixed logical/linear programming, Discrete Applied Mathematics 96-97 (1999) 395-442.

·         J. N. Hooker, Inference duality as a basis for sensitivity analysis, Constraints 4 (1999) 104-112; also in in E. C. Freuder, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming--CP96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1118, Springer (1996) 224-236.

·         J. N. Hooker and H. Yan, Tight representation of logical constraints as cardinality rules, Mathematical Programming 85 (1999) 363-377.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

·         V. Chandru, J. N. Hooker, A. Shrivastava, G. Rago, A partial instantiation based first order theorem prover, International Workshop on First Order Theorem Proving, Vienna, Nov 1998.

·         J. N. Hooker and Hak-Jin Kim, Succint relaxations for some discrete problems, 1998.

·         M. A. Osorio and J. N Hooker, Programación lineal mixta-lógica, Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología 1 (1998) 1-7.

Cross-Cultural Issues: article

·         J. N. Hooker, The polite and the rude, 1998, shorter version published as: The polite and the rude: Etiquette abroad, Monash Mt. Eliza Business Review 3 (1998) 40-49.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Constraint satisfaction methods for generating valid cuts, in D. L. Woodruff, ed., Advances in Computational and Stochastic Optimization, Logic Programming, and Heuristic Search (Kluwer 1997) 1-30.

·         J. Cagan, I. E. Grossmann and J. N. Hooker, A conceptual framework for combining artificial intelligence and optimization in engineering design, Research in Engineering Design 9 (1997) 20-34.


Operations Research: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Inference duality as a basis for sensitivity analysis, in E. C. Freuder, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming--CP96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1118, Springer (1996) 224-236.

·         K. A. Andersen and J. N. Hooker, Determining lower and upper bounds on probabilities of atomic propositions in logical formulas represented by digraphs, Annals of Operations Research 65 (1996) 1-20.

·         K. A. Andersen and J. N. Hooker, A linear programming framework for logics of uncertainty, Decision Support Systems 16 (1996) 39-53.

·         J. N. Hooker, Resolution and the integrality of satisfiability problems, Mathematical Programming 74 (1996) 1-10.

·         J. N. Hooker, Testing heuristics: We have it all wrong, Journal of Heuristics 1 (1996) 33-42.

Ethics: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Toward professional ethics in business, March 1996.  

·         J. N. Hooker, Three kinds of ethics, 1996.

·         J. N. Hooker, Kant and cultural relativism, 1996.

·         J. N. Hooker, Toward professional ethics in business, 1996.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Logic-based Benders decomposition, 1995.

·         J. N. Hooker and H. Yan, Logic circuit verification by Benders decomposition, in V. Saraswat and P. Van Hentenryck, eds., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: The Newport Papers, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA, 1995) 267-288.

·         J. N. Hooker and V. Vinay, Branching rules for satisfiability, Journal of Automated Reasoning 15 (1995) 359-383.

·         E. Boros, P. Hammer and J. N. Hooker, Boolean Regression, Annals of Operations Research 58 (1995) 201-226.

·         J. N. Hooker and N. R. Natraj, Routing and scheduling by modified chain decomposition and tabu search, Transportation Science. 29 (1995) 30-44.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

·         J. N. Hooker and V. Vinay, Branching rules for satisfiability, Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 14th Conference, Proceedings, Springer (1994) 426-437.

·         J. N. Hooker, Tutorial on logic-based methods for optimization, ORSA CSTS Newsletter, Fall 1994.

·         J. N. Hooker, Logic-based methods for optimization, in A. Borning, ed., Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 874 (1994) 336-349. (Updated by tutorial cited immediately above.)

·         J. N. Hooker, Logic-based methods for optimization: A tutorial, 1994 (a longer version of tutorial cited immediately above; some figures are missing from ps version).

·         F. Harche, J. N. Hooker and G. L. Thompson, A computational study of satisfiability algorithms for propositional logic, ORSA Journal on Computing 6 (1994) 423-435.

·         E. Boros, P. L. Hammer, and J. N. Hooker, Predicting cause-effect relationships from incomplete discrete observations, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 7 (1994) 531-543.

·         I. Grossmann, J. N. Hooker, R. Raman, and H. Yan, Logic cuts for processing networks with fixed charges, Computers and Operations Research 21 (1994) 265-279.

·         K. A. Andersen and J. N. Hooker, Bayesian logic, Decision Support Systems 11 (1994) 191-210.

·         J. N. Hooker, Needed: An empirical science of algorithms, Operations Research 42 (1994) 201-212.


Operations Research/Constraint Programming: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Solving the incremental satisfiability problem, Journal of Logic Programming 15 (1993) 177-186.

·         J. N. Hooker, New methods for computing inferences in first order logic, Annals of Operations Research (1993) 479-492.

·         J. N. Hooker and N. R. Natraj, A generalized Dilworth's theorem with application to routing and scheduling, 1993.


Operations Research: articles

·         V. Chandru and J. N. Hooker, Detecting embedded Horn structure in propositional logic, Information Processing Letters 42 (1992) 109-111.

·         K. A. Andersen and J. N. Hooker, A linear programming framework for logics of uncertainty, HICCS Proceedings 1992 (Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences), Washington, IEEE Computer Society Press, 533-542.

·         J. N. Hooker, Generalized resolution for 0-1 linear inequalities, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 6 (1992) 271-286.

·         J. N. Hooker, Mathematical programming models for reasoning under uncertainty (plenary address), Operations Research Proceedings 1991, Deutsche Gesellschaft f"ur Operations Research (Springer Verlag, 1992) 23-34.

·         J. N. Hooker, Logical inference and polyhedral projection, Computer Science Logic Conference 1991, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 626 (1992) 184-200.

Cross-Cultural Issues: article

·         J. N. Hooker, Denmark: A welfare state that works, 1992.


Operations Research: articles

·         V. Chandru and J. N. Hooker, Extended Horn clauses in propositional logic, Journal of the ACM 38 (1991) 203-221.

·         J. N. Hooker, R. S. Garfinkel and C. K. Chen, Finite dominating sets for network location models, Operations Research 39 (1991) 100-118.

Philosophy: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Can I be transplanted into a computer?, 1991.

·         J. N. Hooker, Is design theory possible?, technical report, Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University, 1991.


Operations Research: articles

·         J. N. Hooker and C. Fedjki, Branch-and-cut solution of inference problems in propositional logic, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 (1990) 123-139.

·         K. A. Andersen and J. N. Hooker, Probabilistic logic for belief nets, Proceeedings, 8th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, New York City (June 1990) 245-251.

Philosophy: article

·         J. N. Hooker, A postmodern critique of artificial intelligence, 1990 (plain text).


Operations Research: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Input proofs and rank one cutting planes, ORSA Journal on Computing 1 (1989) 137-145.  INFORMS Computing Society Award.

·         J. N. Hooker and R. S. Garfinkel, On the vector assignment p-median problem, Transportation Science 23 (1989) 139-140.

·         J. N. Hooker, Solving nonlinear multiple-facility network location problems, Networks 19 (1989) 117-133.


Operations Research: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, A quantitative approach to logical inference, Decision Support Systems 4 (1988) 45-69.

·         J. N. Hooker, Resolution vs. cutting plane solution of inference problems: Some computational experience, Operations Research Letters 7 (1988) 1-7.

·         J. N. Hooker, Generalized resolution and cutting planes, Annals of Operations Research 12 (1988) 217-239.

·         J. N. Hooker, Networklike metric spaces, Discrete Mathematics 68 (1988) 31-43.

·         J. N. Hooker, Optimal driving for single-vehicle fuel economy, Transportation Research 22A (1988) 183-201.

·         V. Chandru and J. N. Hooker, Logical inference: A mathematical programming perspective, in S. T. Kumara, R. L. Kashyap, and A. L. Soyster, eds., Artificial Intelligence: Manufacturing Theory and Practice, Institute of Industrial Engineers (1988) 97-120. 


Operations Research: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Solving nonlinear single-facility network location problems, Operations Research 34 (1986) 732-743.

·         J. N. Hooker, Karmarkar's linear programming algorithm, Interfaces 16 (1986) 75-90.

Before 1986

Operations Research: articles

·         R. N. McGill, J. N. Hooker and J. W. Hodgson, Fuel Consumption and Emission Values for Traffic Models, Federal Highways Administration Report No. FHWA/RD-85/053, McLean, VA, 1985.

·         J. N. Hooker, A. B. Rose and G. F. Roberts, Optimal control of automobiles for fuel economy, Transportation Science 17 (1983) 146-167.

·         G. Samuels, A. Rose, D. Greene and J. Hooker, Energy conservation in transportation, in P. Auer, ed., Advances in Energy Systems and Technology 3 (Academic Press, 1983) 187-297.

·         J. N. Hooker, A. B. Rose and G. F. Roberts, A holistic approach to vehicle simulation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 25 (1983) 259-267.

·         G. Samuels, A. Rose, D. Greene and J. Hooker, Energy conservation in transportation, in P. Auer, ed., Advances in Energy Systems and Technology 3 (Academic Press, 1983) 187-297.

·         A. B. Rose, J. N. Hooker, G. F. Roberts and J. Hodgson, A data-based Simulator for predicting vehicle fuel consumption, SAE Technical Paper No. 820302 (1982).

·         J. N. Hooker, Oil pipeline energy efficiency studied for U. S., Oil and Gas Journal (Feb. 15, 1982) 114-116.

·         J. N. Hooker, A Review of Transport Network Models and Their Applicability to a National Refinery Model, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Technical Monograph ORNL/TM-7935, 1982.

·         J. N. Hooker, Effect of a sudden fuel shortage on freight transport in the U.S., Transportation Research Board, Special Reports 191 (1981) 71-81.

·         J. N. Hooker, Oil Pipeline Energy Consumption and Efficiency, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-5697, 1981.

·         J. N. Hooker, A. B. Rose and D. L. Greene, End Use Energy Consumption Data Base: Transportation Sector, Department of Energy Report No. DOE/EIA/CR-7405-01, Washington, D.C., 1980.

·         J. N. Hooker, Inferring Network Flows from Incomplete Information, with Application to Natural Gas Flows, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Technical Monograph ORNL/TM-7083, 1980.

·         J. N. Hooker, Some problems raised by a transportation energy use data base, in Changing Energy Use Futures (conference proceedings), v. 1, Pergamon Press (1979) 286-293.

·         J. N. Hooker, A. B. Rose and K. Bertram, Comparison of Operational Energy Intensity and Consumption of Pipelines vs. Coastal Tankers, Oak Ridge and Argonne National Laboratories Technical Monograph ORNL/TM-7154, 1979.

Philosophy and Ethics: articles

·         J. N. Hooker, Alan Gewirth and the moral law, 1980 (revised 1996).

·         J. N. Hooker, In support of essences, Logique et analyse 21 (1978) 345-353.

·         J. N. Hooker, A refutation of idealism, Kant-Studien 70 (1979) 197-205.

·         J. N. Hooker, Why essentialism is true, Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 9 (1978) 7-14.

·         J. N. Hooker, Rescher and Parks on transworld identity, Philosophical Studies 29 (1976) 429-431.

·         J. N. Hooker, Brody on essentialism, Philosophical Studies 29 (1976) 263-269.