A table of synopses is here.
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Case Study = Link to
Teaching Notes
Affirmative Action vs. Client Wishes (Advertising and marketing
management) 2.
Inside Information (Bidding process irregularities) 3.
(Black) Marketing "Primo" in Rohanda (Black-market activity) 4.
Incredible Shrinking Potato Chip Package (Cost vs. price vs. value
issues) 5. The
Competitive and Combative Toilet Tissue Campaign (Critical Advertising
of Competitor) 6. The
Pizza Puzzle (Deceptive Advertising) 7. The
Nonuser Celebrity Endorser (Deceptive advertising) 8.
Justifying Price Increases (Marketing research) 9.
Another Type of Discrimination (Marketing management, advertising
& selling) 10.
Falsification of Data (Marketing research) 11.
Lottery Mania (Marketing management--Event marketing) 12.
Heaven Help Her (Negotiations) 13.
Cosmetic Applications (Package Labeling and Advertising) 14.
Phantom Expenses (Padding Expense Accounts) 15.
Life Insurance – Who Benefits, the Consumer or the Company?
(Selling) 16.
The Speedy Sale (Unethical Sales Presentation Techniques) 17.
Inside Info (Use of proprietary information) 18.
Elite Furniture (Using inferior materials) 19.
The Jury Selection (Marketing research--Researcher bias, unethical
uses of data) 20. I
SPY: A Case of Competitive Espionage (Marketing intelligence) 21.
The Focus Group (Marketing research) 22.
Societal Impacts of Marketing (Product--Controversial
product) 23.
Green Earth (Pricing--Price vs. value;
Advertising--deceptive) 24.
Robbing Peter to Pay … Peter (Undercounter sales) 25. To
Spray or Not to Spray (Product--Harmful ecological impact) 26.
The Nonanonymous Survey (Marketing research--unethical uses of
research data; violating privacy of respondents) 27.
California Wood Harvesting Company (Environmental vs. economic
concerns) 28.
Washing Dirty Laundry (Advertising--Unethical tactics) 29.
Green Acres Promotions (Advertising sales promotions) 30.
I-Warn-Ya Ammonia (Product liability issues) 31.
Thompson Security Systems (Unethical sales presentations) 32.
The Too-Small Sample (Marketing Research--distortion/falsification
of data)